1 YEAR OF O.G.C || NFTsnapback.

3 min readJul 8, 2022

On the 8th of July 2021, the 1st O.G.C || NFTsnapback NFT was minted.


When it all begin.

On July the 8th 2021, O.G.C || NFTsnapback was minted on Opensea.io.

The collection were created using Opensea’s Smart Contract. While you see many collection today on Matic/Polygon, NFTsnapback was created on the layer 2 network before it was even popular.


DR Bling Kongz

275 NFTsnapback was created, each NFT was backed by a physical DR Bling Kong.


Shortly after we created a Claiming page (above) that allowed you to redeem a physical snapback.

You are still able to if you still in possession of the O.G.C || NFTsnapback

Check the previous medium post on how to claim O.G.C || KONGZ snapback for more insight on how it works.

Over 50+ Individuals that received their airdrop or bought off the secondary market have supported O.G.C || NFTsnapback and we greatly appreciate you.

Which is why you will be excited to hear the Airdrop that will be coming your way.

More to about that as you keep reading.

O.G.C || NFTsnapback Collaborated Series Launch.


Early this year we successfully launched our 1st collaborated Series of O.G.C || NFTsnapbacks.

4 Series hats are introduced with collabrations from Avastars, Drippies, Unofficial Punks, Cloudwhite & $Coke.

This shows the commitment we have to keep improving and making the whole brand bigger and better than anything in the space.

Experience the lifestyle and culture of Web 3, Coming Soon.

We’re only going to get bigger

With so much done of proof of concept over the last year you can expect things to only improve here on out.

O.G.C ||NFTsnapback will be taking a bigger direction in the upcoming months with announcements of upcoming partnerships and the eventual launch of O.G.Collections.

Airdrop Incoming for O.G.C || KONGZ Claimants.

Here is a brief explanation what to expect.

Airdrop Incoming.

Without you there’s no us!

Without the continued support of the community members (shoutout to the CyberKongz family) and many from the space, this concept wouldn’t be what it is today.

Which is why those that have claimed a physical DR Bling Kong snapback will get this NFT Airdrop.

It’s pretty simple, we want to insure that all that have been here from day one will be looked after for years to come.


You have until the END OF AUGUST 2022 to claim a physical O.G.C || KONGZ, which will make you be eligible to receive the NFT Airdrop.

So don’t miss out, once the deadline ends that will be it.

